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1. be an improvement on something : to be better than something that existed before


be an improvement on something

The new heating system is certainly an improvement on the old one. (毫无疑问,比起旧的加热系统,新的系统好多了。)

be a big improvement on something

I wouldn't say it was my favorite show, but it's a big improvement on her last series. (不能说这是我最喜欢的剧,但比她上一部电视剧好多了。)

2. that's more like it : say this when something, which is not happening or being done in the way that you want, suddenly gets better

备注: ''that's more like it'' 常用于口语中。

Faster, faster—good, that's more like it. (快!再快点!好,好多了!)

What's wrong with this TV set? It doesn't seem to be working—ah, that's more like it. (电视怎么了?好像坏了。啊,这下好多了。)

3. be miles ahead (of somebody/something) : to be very much better than someone or something that you are competing against

备注:这是非正式的用法。英式英语中常作 ''be streets ahead (of somebody/something)'' 。字面意思可以理解成“甩出好几里,甩出好几条街”。


The company is streets ahead of its rivals. (这家公司比其竞争对手好太多了。)

4. put somebody/something to shame : to be so much better than someone else that they feel slightly embarrassed by their own lack of skill or quality


Her art project put mine to shame. (她的艺术作品让我自惭形秽。)

The elegant way she was dressed put the rest of us to shame. (她穿着优雅,让我们自惭形秽。)

Acapulco is a cosmopolitan city with a nightlife that puts Rio to shame. (阿卡普尔科是个国际大都市,其丰富的夜生活足以让里约热内卢汗颜。 )

5. put somebody/something in the shade : to be so much better than others that their achievements are made to seem ordinary

备注: ''put ... in the shade'' 常用于英式英语中,是非正式的用法。


Their performance really put ours in the shade. (他们的表现太好,明显把我们比下去了。)

Coca Cola's prize-winning advertising campaign has put all others in the shade. (可口可乐的获奖系列广告让其他广告显得黯淡无光。)

6. league :


out of my league (别人)比我好,我不如人

I enjoy playing chess, but when I tried playing against George, I knew right away that I was out of my league. (=I knew that he was much better than I was) (我喜欢下象棋,但一跟乔治下过,我就知道自己比他下得差多了。)

not in the same league 不在同一个档次,( A )无法跟( B )相比

According to one restaurant reviewer, the two chefs are not even in the same league. (=one of the chefs is much better than the other) (据一位美食评论家说,这两位大厨的厨艺不可同日而语。)

in a different league 更优秀的等级

He's a pretty good writer, but she's in a different league altogether.

=He's a pretty good writer, but he's not in the same league as she is.

(=she's a much better writer than he is)


in a league of one's own 无人能敌

When it comes to cooking, he's in a league of his own. (=he is a much better cook than anyone else) (他的厨艺无人可比。)

7. leave somebody standing : to be so much better at something than other people that they cannot possibly compete successfully with you

备注: ''leave somebody standing'' 常用于英式英语中。


Julie's an excellent typist - her speed and accuracy leave the rest of us standing. (朱莉是个很棒的打字员,速度和准确度都无与伦比。)

8. be/stand head and shoulders above : to be clearly doing very much better at something than someone else

备注: ''be/stand head and shoulders above'' 是非正式的用法。


Winger's stands head and shoulders above every other restaurant in town. ( Winger's 比市里其他餐馆要好得多。)




